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Developer GuidesDeploymentDocker


Build your own docker images

You can build your own Docker images and deploy them anywhere, or use the pre-built FlowInquiry images available on Docker Hub

To build and publish Docker images for the FlowInquiry front-end, use the Dockerfile in the root folder along with the scripts/ script. Use the argument --tag $version if you want to customize the docker image version

flowinquiry-frontend git:(main) scripts/ --tag 0.0.1 Building Docker image... [+] Building 5.2s (22/22) FINISHED docker:desktop-linux => [internal] load build definition from Dockerfile 0.0s => => transferring dockerfile: 2.35kB 0.0s => [internal] load metadata for 0.9s => [auth] library/node:pull token for ... What's next: View a summary of image vulnerabilities and recommendations → docker scout quickview Tagging Docker image with '0.0.1' and 'latest'... Logging into Docker repository... Authenticating with existing credentials... ... latest: digest: sha256:94d85f12a3944c7dcbafc6c6851b0413c9e5c48dcb9c33bea54a88287130bd79 size: 2821 Docker image has been pushed successfully with tags '0.0.1' and 'latest'.

Multi-Platform Deployment

Our dedicated repository provides all the resources needed for flexible deployment configurations. With both the frontend and backend packaged as Docker images, FlowInquiry is ready to run on any platform compatible with containerized solutions, such as Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, AWS, Azure, and more

Docker Compose

The Docker Compose example demonstrates how to quickly run FlowInquiry in a containerized environment, ideal for testing or local LAN use. For more details, explore the flowinquiry-docker folder in the flowinquiry-ops repository.

The FlowInquiry Docker Compose setup uses Caddy as a reverse proxy to serve HTTPS even for both localhost and LAN environments. Caddy is configured with a Caddyfile that supports the domains localhost and, localhost { # Redirect HTTP to HTTPS @http { protocol http } redir @http https://{host}{uri} # Enable HTTPS with internal TLS tls internal # Match and reverse proxy for API routes (except /api/auth) @apiNotAuth { path /api/* not path /api/auth/* } reverse_proxy @apiNotAuth back-end:8080 # Reverse proxy all other requests to the front-end reverse_proxy /* front-end:3000 }

You can change the domain name to any name you prefer.


If you use your custom domain in your local machine, remember to add it into the file /etc/hosts

Go to the folder flowinquiry-docker, and execute the scripts under the folder scripts

flowinquiry-docker git:(main) scripts/ Running Environment variables have been written to .frontend.env succeeded. Running Enter your database password: Sensitive data has been written to ./.backend.env with restricted permissions. succeeded. Running Enter your SMTP host: <smtp server> Enter your SMTP port: <smtp port> Enter your username: <user email> Enter your password: <password> Does SMTP require STARTTLS (y/n)? y Please enter the email address that will be used as the sender for outgoing emails: [email protected] Please enter the base URL that will be used for the email template: Configuration has been saved to .env.local succeeded.

then run the docker compose docker compose -f services.yml up

flowinquiry-docker git:(main) docker compose -f services.yml up [+] Running 5/4 Container flowinquiry-postgresql-1 Created 0.0s Container caddy Runnin... 0.0s Container flowinquiry-front-end-1 Recreated 0.1s Container flowinquiry-back-end-1 Recreated 0.1s ! back-end The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested 0.0s Attaching to caddy, back-end-1, front-end-1, postgresql-1 back-end-1 | The application will start in 0s... front-end-1 | ▲ Next.js 14.2.16 front-end-1 | - Local: http://localhost:3000 front-end-1 | - Network: front-end-1 | front-end-1 | ✓ Starting... postgresql-1 | ... back-end-1 | 03:46:11,368 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.AppenderRefModelHandler - Attaching appender named [CONSOLE] to Logger[ROOT] back-end-1 | 03:46:11,368 |-INFO in ch.qos.logback.core.model.processor.DefaultProcessor@31064f47 - End of configuration. back-end-1 | 03:46:11,368 |-INFO in org.springframework.boot.logging.logback.SpringBootJoranConfigurator@576dc710 - Registering current configuration as safe fallback point back-end-1 | back-end-1 | :: FlowInquiry 🤓 :: Running Spring Boot 3.3.5 :: Startup profile(s) prod :: back-end-1 | :: :: back-end-1 | 2024-11-10T03:46:32.394Z INFO 1 --- [ restartedMain] io.flowinquiry.FlowInquiryApp.logApplicationStartup:129 : ---------------------------------------------------------- back-end-1 | 2024-11-10T03:46:32.395Z INFO 1 --- [ restartedMain] io.flowinquiry.FlowInquiryApp.logApplicationStartup:130 : Application 'FlowInquiry' is running! Access URLs: back-end-1 | 2024-11-10T03:46:32.395Z INFO 1 --- [ restartedMain] io.flowinquiry.FlowInquiryApp.logApplicationStartup:131 : Local: http://localhost:8080/ back-end-1 | 2024-11-10T03:46:32.395Z INFO 1 --- [ restartedMain] io.flowinquiry.FlowInquiryApp.logApplicationStartup:132 : External: back-end-1 | 2024-11-10T03:46:32.396Z INFO 1 --- [ restartedMain] io.flowinquiry.FlowInquiryApp.logApplicationStartup:133 : Profile(s): prod

Open the browser, and access to the address https//localhost or (or your custom domain). Use the default the either following credentials:


Caddy uses its local CA to issue certificates, which means that HTTP clients outside the container won’t automatically trust the TLS certificate served by Caddy. To resolve this, you may need to install Caddy’s root CA certificate in your host machine’s trust store.

The Caddy root CA certificate can be found at flowinquiry-docker/caddy/certificate-authority/root.crt. This file is only generated when you run the FlowInquiry stack with Caddy included. For detailed steps, refer to the Caddy documentation: Local HTTPS with Docker

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